feedblitz is targeting feedburner users directly. They actually now how to spell RSS and do things like reporting on your RSS usage. They're kind of like feedburner in that you're supposed to not publicize the feed coming directly from your site. You're supposed to set up your blog's feed to go into feedblitz and they'll give you a related feed to give to the outside world. By having everyone go through feedblitz, they can compile statistics of how many people from where are downloading your feed.

Their pricing starts at $1.95 per month which doesn't get you much. By the time you have 1,000 email subscribers the price ramps up to $29.95 per month. They do have a 30-day free trial and some big-name clients like Copyblogger. So if stats for your RSS feed are important, give them a try. The main pain is having everyone pull your RSS feed from them. If you ever leave them, then you have to somehow figure out how to tell everyone that your feed has moved. Not an easy proposition.